Mobile Version Release Note
Fixed infinity loading issue
- Fixed thumbnail image issue
- Fixed for sub categories pagination
- Fixed small bugs
- Updated to jdk 21 & Gradle 8.6
- Updated to flutter sdk 3.27.1
- N.A
– Flutter sdk version – 3.27.1
– Android sdk version – 34.0.0
– Android sdk version – 34.0.0
Web Version Release Note
Fixed can’t add subscription plan at backend
- Fixed dashboard update button showing error at backend
- Fixed can’t upload watermark preview image at backend
- Fixed items not showing for normal user accounts at frontend
- Fixed subscription plan issue
- Fixed language refresh generation issue
- Fixed watermark issue
- Fixed at Watermark Setting
- Fixed for Item Search, Pagination, Publish at Item List
- Fixed for Web Default Language
- Fixed Category and Sub-Category multi language
- Fixed for price display format
- Refactored the existing code base to improvement performance
- And many small bug fixes
- Improvement for firebase setting
- Improvement for video uploading time at Item entry on both frontend and admin panel
- Sub-Category Multi Language