Flutter Version Release Note


  • Fixed social link in app info
  • Fixed contact number is not saved as blank in item edit
  • Fixed close button in order successful page
  • Fixed stock quantity mandatory sign and validation in item upload page
  • Fixed some language strings
  • Fixed do not show loading in category list page
  • Fixed subcategory subscription

  • Fixed edit phone number
  • Fixed edit profile
  • Fixed forget password


  • improved Migrate to applying Gradle plugins with the declarative plugins block

  • improved update packages and target sdk


  • NA
– android/app/build.gradle
– android/build.gradle
– android/settings.gradle
– lib/config/ps_config.dart
– lib/core/vendor/constant/ps_widget_const.dart
– lib/core/vendor/db/common/ps_dao.dart
– lib/core/vendor/db/common/ps_data_source_manager.dart
– lib/core/vendor/provider/category/category_provider.dart
– lib/core/vendor/provider/user/user_provider.dart
– lib/core/vendor/repository/Common/ps_repository.dart
– lib/core/vendor/repository/customize_ui_detail_repository.dart
– lib/core/vendor/repository/gallery_repository.dart
– lib/core/vendor/utils/ps_progress_dialog.dart
– lib/core/vendor/utils/utils.dart
– lib/core/vendor/viewobject/custom_field.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/app_info/component/link_info.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/app_info/view/app_info_view.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/checkout/component/billing_address/widgets/billing_address_widget.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/checkout/component/edit_billing_address/edit_billing_address_view.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/checkout/component/edit_shipping_address/edit_shipping_address_view.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/checkout/component/shipping_address/widgets/shipping_address_widget.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/checkout/view/vendor_paystack.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/common/custom_ui/ui_type/number.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/common/ps_credit_card_form_for_pay_stack.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/item/entry/category/component/entry_category_vertical_list_item.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/item/entry/category/component/entry_category_vertical_list_view.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/item/entry/component/entry_data/upload_submit_button.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/item/entry/component/item_entry_view.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/item/promote/view/pay_stack_view.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/location/view/select_township_view.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/map/view/google_map_pin_view.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/order_successful/component/widgets/order_successful_widget.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/sort_widget/ps_dynamic_widget.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/vendor_applicaion/component/widget/apply_button.dart

– lib/ui/vendor_ui/subcategory/component/vertical/widgets/subcat_subscription_done_icon.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/user/edit_profile/component/change_phone/widgets/change_button.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/user/edit_profile/component/verify_phone/widgets/verification_widget.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/user/edit_profile/view/edit_profile_view.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/user/forgot_password/component/widgets/forgot_pwd_send_button.dart
– pubspec.lock
– pubspec.yaml

– Flutter sdk version – 3.22.2
– Android sdk version – 34.0.0

Web Version Release Note


  • Fixed currencies list not showing in Promotion In App Purchase filter

  • Fixed being able to save without data in Promotion and Package In App Purchase
  • Fixed about me field not showing at Frontend and Backend
  • Fixed color generation


  • Improved code for Permission, RolePermission, UserPermission, LocationCityInfo, DynamicColumnVisibility, CustomField, CustomFieldAttribute, CoreField and TableField by refactoring

  • Improved code for Location city, Location township, Promotion In App Purchase and Package In App Purchase by refactoring
  • Improved code for Category, Subcategory, Menu, Sub-Menu Groups, Menu Groups, Users, Seller Report, Buyer Report, User Report, Offline Payment Settings and Payment Currencies by refactoring.
  • Improved dropdown by adding initial option at Frontend and Backend
  • Improved blog author name with added user name at Frontend
  • Improved image configuration with recommended image sizes at Backend
  • Improved item by removing unique name validation at Frontend and Backend
  • Improved remove added contact numbers by inserting empty value at Frontend and Backend


– Modules/*
– app/*
– config/*
– database/*
– resources/*
– routes/*
– storage/*
– tests/*
– composer.json
– package.json
– phpunit.xml

– .htaccess

Before Update this Version Using Updater (Via Version Update Notification), you need to update php path in .env file first according to this documentation

We’re pleased to announce an update that allows existing vendors to seamlessly update their default currency within our platform. For more details, please refer to the documentation provided. We kindly request vendor owners to take note of this update for smooth integration into their operations.

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